On the Get The Look page of our website we list a number of firms that sell or rent 1920s-style clothing, as well as services like vintage hair and makeup. One such outfit, La Vie Delight, has been in touch to say that they have just published a round-up of vintage events happening round the world this year (including the Candlelight Club). It is quite an eyeful, taking in shindigs in the US, Italy, New Zealand and Germany, as well as a host of UK-based bashes, including Twinwood and the Goodwood Revival. La Vie Delight are actually based in Bangkok and send their 1920s-inspired clothing all round the globe, so they clearly have a global perspective on vintage activities. Check out their list at https://laviedelight.com/blogs/news/roaring-around-the-world-a-guide-to-vintage-festivals-and-1920s-themed-events.