Saturday 14th September
After the summer break, it’s back to school—and the first lesson is Double Mixology…
Getting your dancing feet up to speed for the social season ahead will be the New Sheridan 7, recently founded by bandleader Jack Calloway and hot-jazz percussive enthusiast Paul Archibald. This seven-piece dance orchestra specialises in the sounds of British broadcasting and hotel dance bands of the 1920s and 30s. Recently returning to the country following a Continental tour with internationally renowned jazz vocalist Tatiana Eva-Marie from New York's vibrant jazz scene, the band, formed just six months, is taking the European scene by storm.
Spinning shellac when the band aren’t playing will be the Bee’s Knees. And the man at the helm of the mayhem will be that Lord of Cabaret Misrule, Champagne Charlie.
Back to school! And the first lesson is Double Mixology